my weight-loss story - THE LIFE - the10principles

  • My weight-loss story used to be a secret
  • Terry Fox is my hero
  • So many of my favorite things were inspired by my weight-loss story!

my weight-loss story - Kelly Clark - the10principlesRecently I got to tell a bit of my weight-loss story via video on THE LIFE. It was a chance to share what took me 10 years to figure out: What to do instead of dieting.

Here’s my full answers:

Hi! I’m Kelly. I wrote a book about how I finally reached my happy weight (20+ years ago)… after a 10 year struggle. I’m also the director of Who Is NOBODY? It’s a classroom-based kit that helps people build self-esteem by discovering their interests and using them to help others.

My weight-loss story is just one part of me

1. What’s your favorite animal?
I love ALL animals. They remind you of what’s important; spend time with those you love. Experiences are the only things you can take with you. Animals also teach us about unconditional love. And they take lots of naps. Sleep is medicine. I don’t get enough!

my weight-loss story - kurt - the10principles

2. Do you have a favorite movie?
In Grade 5 I saw Girls Just Want To Have Fun and loved it! It has ‘80’s fashion, a dance-off and romance… What’s not to love?! It stars Sarah Jessica Parker, years before she was on Sex and the City. These days I’m really into documentaries. Bloor Cinema is amazing. It has docs all day, every day. I love true stories. I’m inspired by people overcoming obstacles.

my weight-loss story - Hot Docs - the10principles

My weight-loss story got me loving fashion!

3. Describe your fashion sense
I’m into clothing that tells a story. What we wear is a chance to express ourselves. When you get shoes on a holiday, they remind you of that holiday every time you put them on. If you buy clothing from a fashion house like Preloved, you’re getting a garment that’s truly one-of-a-kind. You’re also making a sustainable choice by diverting clothing from the landfill and you’re shopping local, which further minimizes your carbon footprint. Manufacturing a single shirt for a big box store requires more traveling than most people do in a lifetime! Thrift shops are also pretty awesome. There, you can find unique pieces that are made so well they can have a second life—and a back story that’s fun to imagine.

My fashion rule (though I hate rules) is to finish an outfit with something unexpected. Second-hand stores are full of that je ne sais quoi kind-of-piece. Literal translation: “I don’t know what!” Check out this accessory I got last week – tons of mugs strung together to make a necklace. Stores that resell donations, like the Salvation Army, connect you to a kind person you’ll never meet and your purchase supports the community. Each time you buy something you vote. Vote carefully!

my weight-loss story - thrift store - the10principles

My weight-loss story taught me what “hero” means

4. Who’s your role model?
I love Terry Fox. When he began his cross-Canada run I was in Grade 1. I thought he was an old man. Now I’m twice his age and realize he was just a kid when he decided to make a difference. Running a marathon a day is no easy feat—much less running that far on one leg. Day after day. For a good part of his journey no one even paid attention. His experience demonstrates that when you have a dream you need to go after it and not worry about how others react. Terry Fox taught me to use our interests to make a difference. The kids program I developed called Who Is NOBODY? is based on that philosophy; do what you love to do to help those you love. Your interests are your true identity. I love accessories. They’re my version of a tattoo. When I first started Who Is NOBODY? I had a necklace made out of the Canadian loonie, the one that features Terry Fox. I (almost) never take it off. Once I saw it sink to the bottom of a lake. But that’s another story.
my weight-loss story - Terry Fox - the10principles

My weight-loss story inspired my life goal

5. What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about prevention. A stitch in time saves nine! I was preoccupied with my weight from the ages of 14 to 24. Sadly my weight-loss story is not unique. After I got healthy I realized how much misinformation is out there about weight loss. This confusion turns many people into chronic dieters and takes their attention away from what they really care about. When I understood what I went through I felt a responsibility to share what I wish I’d known when I was trying to lose weight. So I decided to write a book. No matter how terrible an experience is, if you can pass on what you learned and help prevent someone else from repeating your difficult experience, it makes that time in your life worthwhile.

my weight-loss story - It Took Me 10 Years To Lose 10 Pounds - the10principles

My weight-loss story on THE LIFE covers the previous 5 questions. THE LIFE also has tons of fashion tips, recipes, cultural events, and ideas for living an eco-friendly life.



  Work with me - 1:1 Coaching Buy Now - It took me 10 years to lose 10 pounds What the F do I eat?


Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it

Thank you for reading my weight-loss story.