Thanks for visiting my site. For years I never talked to anybody about my struggle to lose weight. Once I understood what happened, I felt a responsibility to share how I got healthy.
My blog explains how to simplify your weight-loss approach so you can focus on your real goals. When I built healthy habits I was able to concentrate on my interests. While I regularly share what I eat and how I exercise, those choices simply allow me to get busy with the rest of my life. Here’s what I care deeply about and how it developed.
I graduated from Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada with a degree in psychology, followed by a Postgraduate Certificate of Education from the University College London, in England. For the next two years I supply-taught in over 100 different schools across London and met thousands of incredible kids.
At the time I felt frustrated. I’d just got healthy and was worried that all the years I’d been preoccupied by trying to lose weight meant I’d missed the chance to discover what’s important to me. Now I know everything we go through is an education, as long as we reflect and learn rather than regret. I also know England is an incredible place. I will always be grateful I lived there long enough to feel like a local.
Some of the best lessons I learned and favourite memories of my life (so far!) have come from living in a tiny flat in Wimbledon – couch by day and bed by night – when my partner and I often had just 5 quid between us and we needed to use out-of-date 50p coins to get hot water (that took an hour to warm up). If you ever get—or make, the opportunity to work in another country, grab it with two hands. Even if it means letting go of comforts to make the leap. It will change you and the way you see the world in important ways.
Here’s Alex back in 1999 in our dining/living/bedroom. I loved who he was then. And the chance we’ve had to grow together is what I treasure most.
When Alex and I returned to Canada I became a full-time teacher. During my first year I realized I was passionate about prevention. Though at the time I couldn’t have put that feeling into words. I just wanted the kids in my class to discover their interests and use them to help others; I wanted them to experience fitting in by being unique. There’s so much pressure out there to be the same as everyone else.
After the 10 years I spent isolating myself with weight-loss misinformation and neglecting my school work, social life and all the sports I loved, I also knew that staying connected to the world through your interests helps you overcome obstacles. Giving my students a vehicle to experience making a difference in a personally meaningful way, was the most important thing I could teach them. Focusing on others prevents you from getting lost in the details of your own life.
That year I began developing the Who Is NOBODY? program on evenings and weekends, before piloting it while continuing to teach and tutor.

Who Is NOBODY? is a classroom-based kit that supports students in figuring out their strengths and using them to help others. Through this program, students build their identities around their interests and passions. The first year Who Is NOBODY? was available to schools, I presented the program to over 70 Rotary Clubs across Ontario. With their tremendous support, Who Is NOBODY? kits were donated to neighbouring schools which helped the concept reach more teachers. To date, over 80 school boards across Canada, as well as schools in the United States, England, Australia, Spain and Saudi Arabia have implemented the program, and more than 42,000 students have participated. Their stories can be read at:
In 2008 I was honoured to be a recipient of a Rotary Youth Impact Award. In 2012 it meant a lot to me to receive a Paul Harris Fellowship awarded by Rotary International.
Rotary focuses on prevention by supporting programs that encourage literacy, youth at risk and service above self.
As the director of Who Is NOBODY? I’m relieved to have my book It took me 10 years to lose 10 pounds published and placed in the hands of readers ready for change. When I first got the idea to write it, and looked at the blinking cursor on a blank page, I wondered where it would take me.
Despite the long days (and nights) putting this book together, it was well worth it.
This book is my Who Is NOBODY? project.
My book shares the 3 steps that turned my life around. These hard-won lessons will save people time and simplify their weight-loss approach so they can focus on their interests and how they want to use them.
My experience may be extreme, but it forced me to get to the bottom of what was going on and find a solution. The lessons I learned are universal. Whether you’ve just decided to lose weight or you’re a chronic dieter, The 3 Steps help you reach and maintain a healthy weight naturally.
The information I share in my book is all pretty straightforward. But when I was in the thick of it and had a head full of misinformation, it was difficult to find a path out. I always wished I could speak to someone who’d been there and back. That’s why I’m writing to reach you.
We need to combat the epidemic of people preoccupied by trying to lose weight. It’s so powerful to be present; being able to enjoy the moment I’m in is the best part of getting healthy.
Now this book is complete (woo hoo!) I look forward to having more time for art projects, sports and the people, animals and places I love. I will also be posting examples of exercise options, active lifestyle choices, and roughly balanced meals and snacks made mostly of whole foods @the10principles (on Instagram). Modelling after people who have a healthy relationship with food and exercise helped me get healthy.
Occasionally I’ll also post things I’ve recycled, repaired, rescued or got second-third-or-fourth hand. I hate waste. There’s too much potential lost in many of the people, animals and objects we write off too early. It’s amazing how far a little love can go.
We got to live with Rocky when he turned 8. Now he’s 12. I love him.
Check out @the10principles on Instagram to see examples of exercise options, active lifestyle choices, and balanced meals and snacks made of whole foods.
Who Is NOBODY? – 3 minute overview
change starts with kids – don’t be a bystander – build identity on interests

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