After years of dieting I was confused about what to eat

  • After years of dieting I was confused about what to eat
  • Now I don’t feel guilty eating pasta & I’ve stopped eating cookies in secret
  • Kelly’s simple method has made it easy to (finally!) stay on track

I’m no longer confused about what to eat

I LOVED meeting Kelly Clark.

Our deep dive conversation was so interesting and challenged some of the eating ‘best practices’ I’d been carrying around for years.

Now I’ve stopped worrying about what I eat and feel confident about my choices.

Country: USA

Career: Executive Coach for 7 & 8-figure female Founders & CEOs

Age: 45

I'm no longer confused about what to eat

How I became confused about what to eat

Over the years I’ve done:

  • The Mediterranean Diet
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • Tim Ferriss 4HourBody

And so many other weight-loss plans.

Each of those diets had tons of restrictions that I could follow for a while. But ultimately, blacklisting so many types of food just wasn’t possible.

Then I’d gain back all the weight I lost. And with each diet I became more confused about what and when to eat.

Let me just say, when you don’t even know what to buy at the grocery store anymore because you have so much competing weight-loss information in your head, it’s pretty darn screwed up!
I didn't even know what to buy in the grocery store anymore— Tori, Executive Coach
And all of those years of dieting have made me think about food ALL THE TIME.

I wanted to speak to Kelly because I was tired of watching everything I eat.

How I stopped being confused about what to eat

Now, after just a quick Deep Dive session with Kelly, I do know what to eat with ease & confidence.

The funny little thing about that is we didn’t even talk about specifics in the grocery store scenario.

And what’s better than that?

Well, thank you for asking!

The other night I was pulling my bowl of pasta with meat sauce out of the microwave. And I felt it. A difference.
Before speaking to Kelly I'd been serving up a heaping scoop of guilt at almost every meal— Tori, Executive Coach
And it wasn’t the food.

I realized the difference was that I didn’t feel guilty about eating noodles.

Suddenly it occurred to me that before speaking to Kelly I’d been serving up a heaping scoop of guilt at almost every meal!

I’m not confused about what to eat anymore!

With Kelly’s straightforward approach to eating I feel so much lighter.

Life is so much simpler when I’m not avoiding food groups and just eating like everyone else.

I'm no longer confused about what to eat

And now I have a simple visual tool that Kelly shared with me to make eating easy. Whether I’m with other moms on the sideline at soccer or it’s date night with my husband.

It keeps me on track without all the worry, guilt, regret, and the secret cookie sneaks.

I can do more because I’m not confused about what to eat

Now I have so much more headspace to work on my business, taxi kids to sports and lounge in a hammock on a sunny afternoon. And I’m excited because I feel confident to start ballet again.

Kelly's approach to eating is so straightforward because she doesn't outlaw any food groups— Tori, Executive CoachThank you
Marisa Corcoran
for recommending Kelly.

Kelly’s 60 Minute Deep Dive stopped me from being confused about what to eat and feel free of all the restrictions the diet industry locks us into.

Thank you Kelly!



  Work with me - 1:1 Coaching Buy Now - It took me 10 years to lose 10 pounds What the F do I eat?


Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it