Diet Blog – Thank you!
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Diet Blog for inviting me to Guest Blog ‘My Weight Loss Story’ on their site.
The article is called ‘Losing weight is easy, I made it complicated’ and it shares how I didn’t follow Principle #1.
Please find a short excerpt below:
…During the summer between Grade 8 and going to high school my family went on a road trip. When we got home I realized my clothes were a little tight. Rather than recognize the weight gain was due to sitting in a car and eating almost every meal out for over a month, I decided to throw myself into this ‘project’ with the same dedication I put into everything else.
I became obsessed with anything that had to do with dieting because I thought each bit of information I was gathering was part of a larger, comprehensive approach. In an effort to piece it all together and speed up the process I incorporated as many of the diet ideas I came across as quickly as I could – and there was no shortage of advice out there!
And from this diet information overload, only one thing became clear…
Diet Blog opens lots of interesting discussions. The first article to catch my eye was about animal welfare and the food industry. I love animals.
Thank you for the opportunity to write for your site Diet Blog!
UPDATE: Diet Blog is now “Freedieting.” The article mentioned in this post is no longer available. You can read more about about my weight-loss story here.

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Sharing what I learned makes the 10 years I STRUGGLED worth it
To be to maintain the weight loss journey without letup, the healthy meal plan for weight loss should be in variety and not just one type of meal. This is important as the body usually craves variety and when only one type of meal or appetizer is used, then breaking it will be easy. Focusing on snack and especially fruits eating what is in season is important, as it will have fewer calories as the do not have a chance to overripe.
Balanced meals allow you to have variety and keep you feeling full so you’re not preoccupied by hunger. I don’t worry about “breaking down food easily.” Processed foods break down easily (because all the fibre is removed and sugar, salt and fat are added.) When foods are broken down easily our bodies suddenly have excess energy, so it’s quickly stored. Whereas foods that are broken down slowly (whole foods, like fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, etc.) release the energy slowly over time. Then you can concentrate on everything else.
I agree that our bodies crave variety.
We need to eat all different foods from different food groups to meet our bodies needs. For example, fat has many important jobs including transporting fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K through the bloodstream to where they are needed. That’s why if your meals are all low-fat you will start craving higher fat foods.